Feature Cards Component
Feature cards in a webpage are graphical elements that highlight the key features or benefits of a product, service, or website. They often include a title, description, and visual elements such as icons or images. Feature cards can be used to convey important information to users in a visually appealing and easy-to-digest manner.
Brand Intro Card
Brand Name
Slate helps you see how many more days you need ve helps you see how many more days.
Brand Name
Slate helps you see how many more days you need ve helps you see how many more days.
Brand Name
Slate helps you see how many more days you need ve helps you see how many more days.
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2<svg width="66" height="84" viewBox="0 0 66 84" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
3 <path d="M65.5 20.3354V76.6603C65.5 79.087 64.1654 81.2878 62.0161 82.4145C61.0627 82.9128 60.0313 83.1646 58.9956 83.1646C57.7 83.1646 56.4086 82.7743 55.295 82.0029L34.2221 67.4128C33.4854 66.8972 32.4974 66.8972 31.7564 67.4128L10.7007 82.0029C8.70735 83.3853 6.1376 83.5368 3.98394 82.4145C1.8346 81.2878 0.5 79.0827 0.5 76.6603V20.3354C0.5 9.58445 9.249 0.835449 20 0.835449H46C59 0.835449 65.5 7.33333 65.5 20.3354Z" fill="black" />
6 <p class="text-2xl font-bold leading-8 text-black">Brand Name</p>
7 <p class="mt-2 h-12 w-60 font-normal leading-4 text-gray-600">Slate helps you see how many more days you need ve helps you see how many more days.</p>
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2<svg width="66" height="84" viewBox="0 0 66 84" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
3 <path d="M65.5 20.3354V76.6603C65.5 79.087 64.1654 81.2878 62.0161 82.4145C61.0627 82.9128 60.0313 83.1646 58.9956 83.1646C57.7 83.1646 56.4086 82.7743 55.295 82.0029L34.2221 67.4128C33.4854 66.8972 32.4974 66.8972 31.7564 67.4128L10.7007 82.0029C8.70735 83.3853 6.1376 83.5368 3.98394 82.4145C1.8346 81.2878 0.5 79.0827 0.5 76.6603V20.3354C0.5 9.58445 9.249 0.835449 20 0.835449H46C59 0.835449 65.5 7.33333 65.5 20.3354Z" fill="#1855CB" />
6 <p class="text-2xl font-bold leading-8 text-blue-600">Brand Name</p>
7 <p class="mt-2 h-12 w-60 font-normal leading-4 text-gray-600">Slate helps you see how many more days you need ve helps you see how many more days.</p>
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2<svg width="66" height="84" viewBox="0 0 66 84" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
3 <path d="M65.5 20.3354V76.6603C65.5 79.087 64.1654 81.2878 62.0161 82.4145C61.0627 82.9128 60.0313 83.1646 58.9956 83.1646C57.7 83.1646 56.4086 82.7743 55.295 82.0029L34.2221 67.4128C33.4854 66.8972 32.4974 66.8972 31.7564 67.4128L10.7007 82.0029C8.70735 83.3853 6.1376 83.5368 3.98394 82.4145C1.8346 81.2878 0.5 79.0827 0.5 76.6603V20.3354C0.5 9.58445 9.249 0.835449 20 0.835449H46C59 0.835449 65.5 7.33333 65.5 20.3354Z" fill="#F5F5F5" />
7 <p class="text-2xl font-bold leading-8 text-white">Brand Name</p>
8 <p class="mt-2 h-12 w-60 font-normal leading-4 text-gray-400">Slate helps you see how many more days you need ve helps you see how many more days.</p>
New Feature Launch Card 1
At your fingertips
Slate helps you see how many more days you need to work to reach. Slate helps you see how many more days.

At your fingertips
Slate helps you see how many more days you need to work to reach. Slate helps you see how many more days.

At your fingertips
Slate helps you see how many more days you need to work to reach. Slate helps you see how many more days.

1<div class="flex w-fit cursor-default flex-col items-center justify-center gap-2 rounded-2xl bg-white px-6 py-8 transition-all duration-500 ease-in-out hover:shadow-slate-900/20">
2<svg width="70" height="70" viewBox="0 0 70 70" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
3 <path d="M65.8883 27.3637L63.8099 25.2851C62.8066 24.2817 62.2332 22.9199 62.2332 21.4865V18.548C62.2332 12.5996 57.3959 7.76209 51.4476 7.76209H48.5092C47.0759 7.76209 45.7142 7.2248 44.7109 6.18563L42.6325 4.10702C38.44 -0.0854787 31.5958 -0.0854787 27.3675 4.10702L25.2891 6.18563C24.2858 7.2248 22.9241 7.76209 21.4908 7.76209H18.5524C12.6041 7.76209 7.76675 12.5996 7.76675 18.548V21.4865C7.76675 22.9199 7.22924 24.2817 6.19008 25.2851L4.11168 27.3637C2.06918 29.4062 0.958332 32.1291 0.958332 34.9958C0.958332 37.8624 2.06918 40.5854 4.11168 42.6279L6.19008 44.7065C7.22924 45.7098 7.76675 47.0717 7.76675 48.505V51.4436C7.76675 57.3919 12.6041 62.2295 18.5524 62.2295H21.4908C22.9241 62.2295 24.2858 62.7668 25.2891 63.8059L27.3675 65.8845C29.4816 67.9987 32.2408 69.0374 35 69.0374C37.7592 69.0374 40.5183 67.9987 42.6325 65.8845L44.7109 63.8059C45.7142 62.7668 47.0759 62.2295 48.5092 62.2295H51.4476C57.3959 62.2295 62.2332 57.3919 62.2332 51.4436V48.505C62.2332 47.0717 62.8066 45.7098 63.8099 44.7065L65.8883 42.6279C67.9308 40.5854 69.0417 37.8624 69.0417 34.9958C69.0417 32.1291 67.9308 29.4062 65.8883 27.3637ZM26.0417 21.5583C28.5142 21.5583 30.5208 23.5649 30.5208 26.0374C30.5208 28.5099 28.5142 30.5166 26.0417 30.5166C23.5692 30.5166 21.5625 28.5099 21.5625 26.0374C21.5625 23.5649 23.5692 21.5583 26.0417 21.5583ZM43.9583 48.4333C41.4858 48.4333 39.4792 46.4266 39.4792 43.9541C39.4792 41.4816 41.4858 39.4749 43.9583 39.4749C46.4308 39.4749 48.4375 41.4816 48.4375 43.9541C48.4375 46.4266 46.4308 48.4333 43.9583 48.4333ZM48.2942 26.7898L26.7942 48.2898C26.0776 48.9706 25.1817 49.3291 24.25 49.3291C23.3542 49.3291 22.4224 48.9706 21.7058 48.2898C20.3083 46.8923 20.3083 44.5993 21.7058 43.2017L43.2057 21.7017C44.6391 20.3042 46.8967 20.3042 48.2942 21.7017C49.6917 23.0992 49.6917 25.3923 48.2942 26.7898Z" fill="#101010" />
6<h1 class="mt-6 text-2xl font-bold leading-8 text-black">At your fingertips</h1>
7<p class="mt-2 w-60 text-center text-sm font-normal leading-4 text-gray-600">Slate helps you see how many more days you need to work to reach. Slate helps you see how many more days.</p>
8<button class="mt-2 rounded-full bg-slate-900 px-8 py-2 text-center font-sans text-lg font-normal text-gray-400 transition-all disabled:bg-gray-400">Try for free</button>
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3 <path d="M65.8883 27.3637L63.8099 25.2851C62.8066 24.2817 62.2332 22.9199 62.2332 21.4865V18.548C62.2332 12.5996 57.3959 7.76209 51.4476 7.76209H48.5092C47.0759 7.76209 45.7142 7.2248 44.7109 6.18563L42.6325 4.10702C38.44 -0.0854787 31.5958 -0.0854787 27.3675 4.10702L25.2891 6.18563C24.2858 7.2248 22.9241 7.76209 21.4908 7.76209H18.5524C12.6041 7.76209 7.76675 12.5996 7.76675 18.548V21.4865C7.76675 22.9199 7.22924 24.2817 6.19008 25.2851L4.11168 27.3637C2.06918 29.4062 0.958332 32.1291 0.958332 34.9958C0.958332 37.8624 2.06918 40.5854 4.11168 42.6279L6.19008 44.7065C7.22924 45.7098 7.76675 47.0717 7.76675 48.505V51.4436C7.76675 57.3919 12.6041 62.2295 18.5524 62.2295H21.4908C22.9241 62.2295 24.2858 62.7668 25.2891 63.8059L27.3675 65.8845C29.4816 67.9987 32.2408 69.0374 35 69.0374C37.7592 69.0374 40.5183 67.9987 42.6325 65.8845L44.7109 63.8059C45.7142 62.7668 47.0759 62.2295 48.5092 62.2295H51.4476C57.3959 62.2295 62.2332 57.3919 62.2332 51.4436V48.505C62.2332 47.0717 62.8066 45.7098 63.8099 44.7065L65.8883 42.6279C67.9308 40.5854 69.0417 37.8624 69.0417 34.9958C69.0417 32.1291 67.9308 29.4062 65.8883 27.3637ZM26.0417 21.5583C28.5142 21.5583 30.5208 23.5649 30.5208 26.0374C30.5208 28.5099 28.5142 30.5166 26.0417 30.5166C23.5692 30.5166 21.5625 28.5099 21.5625 26.0374C21.5625 23.5649 23.5692 21.5583 26.0417 21.5583ZM43.9583 48.4333C41.4858 48.4333 39.4792 46.4266 39.4792 43.9541C39.4792 41.4816 41.4858 39.4749 43.9583 39.4749C46.4308 39.4749 48.4375 41.4816 48.4375 43.9541C48.4375 46.4266 46.4308 48.4333 43.9583 48.4333ZM48.2942 26.7898L26.7942 48.2898C26.0776 48.9706 25.1817 49.3291 24.25 49.3291C23.3542 49.3291 22.4224 48.9706 21.7058 48.2898C20.3083 46.8923 20.3083 44.5993 21.7058 43.2017L43.2057 21.7017C44.6391 20.3042 46.8967 20.3042 48.2942 21.7017C49.6917 23.0992 49.6917 25.3923 48.2942 26.7898Z" fill="rgb(37,99,235)" />
6<h1 class="mt-6 text-2xl font-bold leading-8 text-black">At your fingertips</h1>
7<p class="mt-2 w-60 text-center text-sm font-normal leading-4 text-gray-600">Slate helps you see how many more days you need to work to reach. Slate helps you see how many more days.</p>
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2<svg width="70" height="70" viewBox="0 0 70 70" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
3 <path d="M65.8883 27.3637L63.8099 25.2851C62.8066 24.2817 62.2332 22.9199 62.2332 21.4865V18.548C62.2332 12.5996 57.3959 7.76209 51.4476 7.76209H48.5092C47.0759 7.76209 45.7142 7.2248 44.7109 6.18563L42.6325 4.10702C38.44 -0.0854787 31.5958 -0.0854787 27.3675 4.10702L25.2891 6.18563C24.2857 7.2248 22.9241 7.76209 21.4907 7.76209H18.5524C12.604 7.76209 7.76673 12.5996 7.76673 18.548V21.4865C7.76673 22.9199 7.22922 24.2817 6.19006 25.2851L4.11166 27.3637C2.06916 29.4062 0.958313 32.1291 0.958313 34.9958C0.958313 37.8624 2.06916 40.5854 4.11166 42.6279L6.19006 44.7065C7.22922 45.7098 7.76673 47.0717 7.76673 48.505V51.4436C7.76673 57.3919 12.604 62.2295 18.5524 62.2295H21.4907C22.9241 62.2295 24.2857 62.7668 25.2891 63.8059L27.3675 65.8845C29.4816 67.9987 32.2408 69.0374 35 69.0374C37.7591 69.0374 40.5183 67.9987 42.6325 65.8845L44.7109 63.8059C45.7142 62.7668 47.0759 62.2295 48.5092 62.2295H51.4476C57.3959 62.2295 62.2332 57.3919 62.2332 51.4436V48.505C62.2332 47.0717 62.8066 45.7098 63.8099 44.7065L65.8883 42.6279C67.9308 40.5854 69.0416 37.8624 69.0416 34.9958C69.0416 32.1291 67.9308 29.4062 65.8883 27.3637ZM26.0416 21.5583C28.5141 21.5583 30.5208 23.5649 30.5208 26.0374C30.5208 28.5099 28.5141 30.5166 26.0416 30.5166C23.5691 30.5166 21.5625 28.5099 21.5625 26.0374C21.5625 23.5649 23.5691 21.5583 26.0416 21.5583ZM43.9583 48.4333C41.4858 48.4333 39.4791 46.4266 39.4791 43.9541C39.4791 41.4816 41.4858 39.4749 43.9583 39.4749C46.4308 39.4749 48.4375 41.4816 48.4375 43.9541C48.4375 46.4266 46.4308 48.4333 43.9583 48.4333ZM48.2942 26.7898L26.7942 48.2898C26.0776 48.9706 25.1816 49.3291 24.25 49.3291C23.3541 49.3291 22.4224 48.9706 21.7057 48.2898C20.3082 46.8923 20.3082 44.5993 21.7057 43.2017L43.2057 21.7017C44.6391 20.3042 46.8967 20.3042 48.2942 21.7017C49.6917 23.0992 49.6917 25.3923 48.2942 26.7898Z" fill="#F5F5F5" />
5<h1 class="mt-6 text-2xl font-bold leading-8 text-white">At your fingertips</h1>
6<p class="mt-2 w-60 text-center text-sm font-normal leading-4 text-gray-400">Slate helps you see how many more days you need to work to reach. Slate helps you see how many more days.</p>
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8<img class="mt-8 h-48" src="https://i.postimg.cc/HLs81xSY/Frame-1.png" alt="" />
New Feature Launch Card 2
At your fingertips
Slate helps you see how many more days you need to work to reach. Slate helps you see how many more days.
At your fingertips
Slate helps you see how many more days you need to work to reach. Slate helps you see how many more days.
At your fingertips
Slate helps you see how many more days you need to work to reach. Slate helps you see how many more days.
1<div class="w-72 rounded-2xl bg-white px-9 py-10 transition-all duration-500 hover:scale-105 hover:shadow-xl hover:shadow-slate-900/30">
2<svg width="53" height="47" viewBox="0 0 53 47" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
3 <path d="M52.2291 38.7747V40.1559C52.2291 42.1601 51.552 44.0831 50.3062 45.6268C49.8458 46.2227 49.0875 46.5208 48.302 46.5208H41.0437C42.1541 44.5979 42.75 42.4039 42.75 40.1559V38.7747C42.75 34.8747 41.3146 31.2732 38.8771 28.5377C39.0667 28.4836 39.2292 28.375 39.3917 28.2938C40.6375 27.5896 42.1813 27.373 43.6438 27.7251C48.6813 28.998 52.2291 33.5205 52.2291 38.7747ZM33.2708 0.479126C32.4041 0.479126 31.5646 0.56064 30.7521 0.750224C33.975 3.70231 35.9791 7.95413 35.9791 12.6666C35.9791 17.3791 33.975 21.6309 30.7521 24.583C31.5646 24.7726 32.4041 24.8541 33.2708 24.8541C39.9875 24.8541 45.4583 19.3833 45.4583 12.6666C45.4583 5.94996 39.9875 0.479126 33.2708 0.479126ZM19.7291 0.479126C13.0125 0.479126 7.54165 5.94996 7.54165 12.6666C7.54165 19.3833 13.0125 24.8541 19.7291 24.8541C26.4458 24.8541 31.9166 19.3833 31.9166 12.6666C31.9166 5.94996 26.4458 0.479126 19.7291 0.479126ZM30.1021 27.7251C29.6146 27.6168 29.1541 27.5625 28.6666 27.5625C27.6645 27.5625 26.6896 27.8063 25.85 28.2938C23.9542 29.3229 21.8416 29.8377 19.7291 29.8377C17.6166 29.8377 15.5313 29.323 13.6625 28.3209C12.7688 27.8334 11.7667 27.5625 10.7646 27.5625C10.3312 27.5625 9.92493 27.6168 9.51868 27.698C4.37284 28.8897 0.770813 33.4663 0.770813 38.7747V40.1559C0.770813 42.1601 1.44796 44.0831 2.69379 45.6268C3.15421 46.2227 3.91251 46.5208 4.69793 46.5208H34.7604C35.5458 46.5208 36.3041 46.2227 36.7645 45.6268C38.0103 44.0831 38.6875 42.1601 38.6875 40.1559V38.7747C38.6875 33.5205 35.1396 28.998 30.1021 27.7251Z" fill="#000" />
5<p class="mt-5 text-2xl font-bold leading-8 text-black">At your fingertips</p>
6<p class="mt-2.5 w-52 text-sm font-normal leading-4 text-black">Slate helps you see how many more days you need to work to reach. Slate helps you see how many more days.</p>
7<button class="mt-6 rounded-full border-2 border-black px-8 py-2.5 text-sm font-semibold text-black transition-all duration-300 hover:bg-black hover:text-white hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-black/30">Button</button>
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2<svg width="53" height="47" viewBox="0 0 53 47" fill="#2563eb" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
3 <path d="M52.2291 38.7747V40.1559C52.2291 42.1601 51.552 44.0831 50.3062 45.6268C49.8458 46.2227 49.0875 46.5208 48.302 46.5208H41.0437C42.1541 44.5979 42.75 42.4039 42.75 40.1559V38.7747C42.75 34.8747 41.3146 31.2732 38.8771 28.5377C39.0667 28.4836 39.2292 28.375 39.3917 28.2938C40.6375 27.5896 42.1813 27.373 43.6438 27.7251C48.6813 28.998 52.2291 33.5205 52.2291 38.7747ZM33.2708 0.479126C32.4041 0.479126 31.5646 0.56064 30.7521 0.750224C33.975 3.70231 35.9791 7.95413 35.9791 12.6666C35.9791 17.3791 33.975 21.6309 30.7521 24.583C31.5646 24.7726 32.4041 24.8541 33.2708 24.8541C39.9875 24.8541 45.4583 19.3833 45.4583 12.6666C45.4583 5.94996 39.9875 0.479126 33.2708 0.479126ZM19.7291 0.479126C13.0125 0.479126 7.54165 5.94996 7.54165 12.6666C7.54165 19.3833 13.0125 24.8541 19.7291 24.8541C26.4458 24.8541 31.9166 19.3833 31.9166 12.6666C31.9166 5.94996 26.4458 0.479126 19.7291 0.479126ZM30.1021 27.7251C29.6146 27.6168 29.1541 27.5625 28.6666 27.5625C27.6645 27.5625 26.6896 27.8063 25.85 28.2938C23.9542 29.3229 21.8416 29.8377 19.7291 29.8377C17.6166 29.8377 15.5313 29.323 13.6625 28.3209C12.7688 27.8334 11.7667 27.5625 10.7646 27.5625C10.3312 27.5625 9.92493 27.6168 9.51868 27.698C4.37284 28.8897 0.770813 33.4663 0.770813 38.7747V40.1559C0.770813 42.1601 1.44796 44.0831 2.69379 45.6268C3.15421 46.2227 3.91251 46.5208 4.69793 46.5208H34.7604C35.5458 46.5208 36.3041 46.2227 36.7645 45.6268C38.0103 44.0831 38.6875 42.1601 38.6875 40.1559V38.7747C38.6875 33.5205 35.1396 28.998 30.1021 27.7251Z" fill="#2563eb" />
5<p class="mt-5 text-2xl font-bold leading-8 text-blue-600">At your fingertips</p>
6<p class="mt-2.5 w-52 text-sm font-normal leading-4 text-black">Slate helps you see how many more days you need to work to reach. Slate helps you see how many more days.</p>
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Job Security
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Slate helps you see how many more days you need to work to reach.
Job Security
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2<div class="mb-5 text-2xl font-bold leading-8 text-blue-600">Job Security</div>
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Card to show mini stats 1
Happy Clients
Happy Clients
Happy Clients
1<div class="flex w-fit rounded-2xl bg-white py-5 pl-5 pr-8">
2<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" class="h-14 w-14 fill-black">
3 <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M10.788 3.21c.448-1.077 1.976-1.077 2.424 0l2.082 5.007 5.404.433c1.164.093 1.636 1.545.749 2.305l-4.117 3.527 1.257 5.273c.271 1.136-.964 2.033-1.96 1.425L12 18.354 7.373 21.18c-.996.608-2.231-.29-1.96-1.425l1.257-5.273-4.117-3.527c-.887-.76-.415-2.212.749-2.305l5.404-.433 2.082-5.006z" clip-rule="evenodd" />
6 <p class="ml-5 mt-1 text-3xl font-bold leading-8 text-black">2680</p>
7 <p class="ml-5 text-sm font-normal leading-4 tracking-wide text-gray-600">Happy Clients</p>
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6 <p class="ml-5 mt-1 text-3xl font-bold leading-8 text-blue-600">2680</p>
7 <p class="ml-5 text-sm font-normal leading-4 tracking-wide text-black">Happy Clients</p>
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3 <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M10.788 3.21c.448-1.077 1.976-1.077 2.424 0l2.082 5.007 5.404.433c1.164.093 1.636 1.545.749 2.305l-4.117 3.527 1.257 5.273c.271 1.136-.964 2.033-1.96 1.425L12 18.354 7.373 21.18c-.996.608-2.231-.29-1.96-1.425l1.257-5.273-4.117-3.527c-.887-.76-.415-2.212.749-2.305l5.404-.433 2.082-5.006z" clip-rule="evenodd" />
6 <p class="ml-5 mt-1 text-3xl font-bold leading-8 text-white">2680</p>
7 <p class="ml-5 text-sm font-normal leading-4 tracking-wide text-gray-400">Happy Clients</p>
Card to show mini stats 2
Case Dismissed
Case Dismissed
Case Dismissed
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3 <path d="M4.5 6.375a4.125 4.125 0 118.25 0 4.125 4.125 0 01-8.25 0zM14.25 8.625a3.375 3.375 0 116.75 0 3.375 3.375 0 01-6.75 0zM1.5 19.125a7.125 7.125 0 0114.25 0v.003l-.001.119a.75.75 0 01-.363.63 13.067 13.067 0 01-6.761 1.873c-2.472 0-4.786-.684-6.76-1.873a.75.75 0 01-.364-.63l-.001-.122zM17.25 19.128l-.001.144a2.25 2.25 0 01-.233.96 10.088 10.088 0 005.06- 0 00.42-.643 4.875 4.875 0 00-6.957-4.611 8.586 8.586 0 011.71 5.157v.003z" />
5<h1 class="mt-3 text-3xl font-bold leading-8 text-black">45%</h1>
6<h3 class="mt-3 text-sm font-normal leading-4 tracking-wide text-gray-600">Case Dismissed</h3>
1<div class="flex w-fit cursor-default flex-col items-center justify-center rounded-2xl bg-white px-7 pb-6 transition-all duration-300 ease-in-out hover:scale-105 hover:shadow-white/20 hover:drop-shadow-xl">
2<svg class="mt-5 w-10 fill-blue-600" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor">
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5<h1 class="mt-3 text-3xl font-bold leading-8 text-blue-600">45%</h1>
6<h3 class="mt-3 text-sm font-normal leading-4 tracking-wide text-gray-600">Case Dismissed</h3>
1<div class="flex w-fit cursor-default flex-col items-center justify-center rounded-2xl bg-slate-900 px-7 pb-6 transition-all duration-300 ease-in-out hover:scale-105 hover:shadow-xl hover:shadow-slate-900/20">
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3 <path d="M4.5 6.375a4.125 4.125 0 118.25 0 4.125 4.125 0 01-8.25 0zM14.25 8.625a3.375 3.375 0 116.75 0 3.375 3.375 0 01-6.75 0zM1.5 19.125a7.125 7.125 0 0114.25 0v.003l-.001.119a.75.75 0 01-.363.63 13.067 13.067 0 01-6.761 1.873c-2.472 0-4.786-.684-6.76-1.873a.75.75 0 01-.364-.63l-.001-.122zM17.25 19.128l-.001.144a2.25 2.25 0 01-.233.96 10.088 10.088 0 005.06- 0 00.42-.643 4.875 4.875 0 00-6.957-4.611 8.586 8.586 0 011.71 5.157v.003z" />
5<h1 class="mt-3 text-3xl font-bold leading-8 text-white">45%</h1>
6<h3 class="mt-3 text-sm font-normal leading-4 tracking-wide text-gray-400">Case Dismissed</h3>
Newly Launched Feature Card
Job Security
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Job Security
Slate helps you see how many more days you need to work to reach.
Job Security
Slate helps you see how many more days you need to work to reach.
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3 <path d="M53.2083 14.5901C53.2083 40.3699 49.4868 52.9375 27.4255 59.2367C27.2868 59.2768 27.1448 59.2985 27.003 59.2985C26.8612 59.2985 26.7195 59.2768 26.5807 59.2367C4.51638 52.9313 0.791672 40.4929 0.791672 14.9876C0.791672 14.2969 1.25113 13.6927 1.91405 13.5046C13.7633 10.1592 22.7882 4.28891 25.964 1.15624C26.2569 0.869491 26.67 0.647359 27.0585 0.712109C27.4655 0.715192 27.8571 0.881463 28.1438 1.1713C31.0144 4.08196 43.1321 10.1129 52.1539 13.1222C52.7829 13.3381 53.2083 13.9272 53.2083 14.5901Z" fill="#121225" />
5<h5 class="mb-2.5 mt-3.5 place-self-center text-2xl font-bold tracking-wide text-black dark:text-black">Job Security</h5>
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3 <path d="M53.2083 14.5901C53.2083 40.3699 49.4867 52.9375 27.4255 59.2367C27.2867 59.2768 27.1448 59.2985 27.003 59.2985C26.8612 59.2985 26.7194 59.2768 26.5807 59.2367C4.51636 52.9313 0.791656 40.4929 0.791656 14.9876C0.791656 14.2969 1.25112 13.6927 1.91403 13.5046C13.7633 10.1592 22.7882 4.28891 25.964 1.15624C26.2569 0.869491 26.67 0.647359 27.0585 0.712109C27.4655 0.715192 27.8571 0.881463 28.1438 1.1713C31.0144 4.08196 43.132 10.1129 52.1539 13.1222C52.7829 13.3381 53.2083 13.9272 53.2083 14.5901Z" fill="#2D70F3" />
5<h5 class="mb-2.5 mt-3.5 place-self-center text-2xl font-bold tracking-wide text-gray-900 dark:text-blue-600">Job Security</h5>
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3 <path d="M53.2084 14.5901C53.2084 40.3699 49.4868 52.9375 27.4255 59.2367C27.2868 59.2768 27.1449 59.2985 27.003 59.2985C26.8612 59.2985 26.7195 59.2768 26.5807 59.2367C4.5164 52.9313 0.791687 40.4929 0.791687 14.9876C0.791687 14.2969 1.25115 13.6927 1.91406 13.5046C13.7633 10.1592 22.7882 4.28891 25.964 1.15624C26.2569 0.869491 26.67 0.647359 27.0585 0.712109C27.4655 0.715192 27.8571 0.881463 28.1438 1.1713C31.0144 4.08196 43.1321 10.1129 52.1539 13.1222C52.7829 13.3381 53.2084 13.9272 53.2084 14.5901Z" fill="white" />
5<h5 class="mb-2.5 mt-3.5 place-self-center text-2xl font-bold tracking-wide text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Job Security</h5>
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3 <path d="M50.7916 0.375H16.2083C7.63165 0.375 0.645813 7.36083 0.645813 15.9375V60.8958C0.645813 61.5875 1.0608 62.2099 1.71789 62.4865C1.92539 62.5903 2.16748 62.625 2.37498 62.625C2.82456 62.625 3.27417 62.4524 3.58542 62.1066L11.9545 53.7715C12.9229 52.8031 14.237 52.25 15.6203 52.25H50.7916C59.3683 52.25 66.3541 45.2642 66.3541 36.6875V15.9375C66.3541 7.36083 59.3683 0.375 50.7916 0.375ZM19.6666 30.6354C17.2804 30.6354 15.3437 28.6987 15.3437 26.3125C15.3437 23.9262 17.2804 21.9896 19.6666 21.9896C22.0529 21.9896 23.9896 23.9262 23.9896 26.3125C23.9896 28.6987 22.0529 30.6354 19.6666 30.6354ZM33.5 30.6354C31.1137 30.6354 29.1771 28.6987 29.1771 26.3125C29.1771 23.9262 31.1137 21.9896 33.5 21.9896C35.8862 21.9896 37.8229 23.9262 37.8229 26.3125C37.8229 28.6987 35.8862 30.6354 33.5 30.6354ZM47.3333 30.6354C44.9471 30.6354 43.0104 28.6987 43.0104 26.3125C43.0104 23.9262 44.9471 21.9896 47.3333 21.9896C49.7196 21.9896 51.6562 23.9262 51.6562 26.3125C51.6562 28.6987 49.7196 30.6354 47.3333 30.6354Z" fill="#F5F5F5" />
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3 <path d="M50.7917 0.375H16.2083C7.63166 0.375 0.645832 7.36083 0.645832 15.9375V60.8958C0.645832 61.5875 1.06082 62.2099 1.71791 62.4865C1.92541 62.5903 2.1675 62.625 2.375 62.625C2.82458 62.625 3.27419 62.4524 3.58544 62.1066L11.9545 53.7715C12.9229 52.8031 14.237 52.25 15.6204 52.25H50.7917C59.3683 52.25 66.3542 45.2642 66.3542 36.6875V15.9375C66.3542 7.36083 59.3683 0.375 50.7917 0.375ZM19.6667 30.6354C17.2804 30.6354 15.3437 28.6987 15.3437 26.3125C15.3437 23.9262 17.2804 21.9896 19.6667 21.9896C22.0529 21.9896 23.9896 23.9262 23.9896 26.3125C23.9896 28.6987 22.0529 30.6354 19.6667 30.6354ZM33.5 30.6354C31.1137 30.6354 29.1771 28.6987 29.1771 26.3125C29.1771 23.9262 31.1137 21.9896 33.5 21.9896C35.8862 21.9896 37.8229 23.9262 37.8229 26.3125C37.8229 28.6987 35.8862 30.6354 33.5 30.6354ZM47.3333 30.6354C44.9471 30.6354 43.0104 28.6987 43.0104 26.3125C43.0104 23.9262 44.9471 21.9896 47.3333 21.9896C49.7196 21.9896 51.6562 23.9262 51.6562 26.3125C51.6562 28.6987 49.7196 30.6354 47.3333 30.6354Z" fill="#2d70f3" />
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3 <path d="M50.7916 0.375H16.2083C7.63165 0.375 0.645813 7.36083 0.645813 15.9375V60.8958C0.645813 61.5875 1.0608 62.2099 1.71789 62.4865C1.92539 62.5903 2.16748 62.625 2.37498 62.625C2.82456 62.625 3.27417 62.4524 3.58542 62.1066L11.9545 53.7715C12.9229 52.8031 14.237 52.25 15.6203 52.25H50.7916C59.3683 52.25 66.3541 45.2642 66.3541 36.6875V15.9375C66.3541 7.36083 59.3683 0.375 50.7916 0.375ZM19.6666 30.6354C17.2804 30.6354 15.3437 28.6987 15.3437 26.3125C15.3437 23.9262 17.2804 21.9896 19.6666 21.9896C22.0529 21.9896 23.9896 23.9262 23.9896 26.3125C23.9896 28.6987 22.0529 30.6354 19.6666 30.6354ZM33.5 30.6354C31.1137 30.6354 29.1771 28.6987 29.1771 26.3125C29.1771 23.9262 31.1137 21.9896 33.5 21.9896C35.8862 21.9896 37.8229 23.9262 37.8229 26.3125C37.8229 28.6987 35.8862 30.6354 33.5 30.6354ZM47.3333 30.6354C44.9471 30.6354 43.0104 28.6987 43.0104 26.3125C43.0104 23.9262 44.9471 21.9896 47.3333 21.9896C49.7196 21.9896 51.6562 23.9262 51.6562 26.3125C51.6562 28.6987 49.7196 30.6354 47.3333 30.6354Z" fill="#F5F5F5" />
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Mini feature Card
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Horizontal Feature Card
What is Web3?
Slate helps you see how many more days you need ve helps you how many more days
What is Web3?
Slate helps you see how many more days you need ve helps you how many more days
What is Web3?
Slate helps you see how many more days you need ve helps you how many more days
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7 <p class="text-2xl font-bold leading-8 text-black">What is Web3?</p>
8 <p class="mt-2 h-12 w-96 font-normal leading-4 text-gray-600">Slate helps you see how many more days you need ve helps you how many more days</p>
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7 <p class="text-2xl font-bold leading-8 text-blue-600">What is Web3?</p>
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7 <p class="text-2xl font-bold leading-8 text-white">What is Web3?</p>
8 <p class="mt-2 h-12 w-96 font-normal leading-4 text-gray-400">Slate helps you see how many more days you need ve helps you how many more days</p>
New Feature Launch Card 4
Job Security
the quick fox jumps over the lazy dog
Job Security
the quick fox jumps over the lazy dog
Job Security
the quick fox jumps over the lazy dog
1 <div class="w-fit flex flex-col cursor-default rounded-2xl px-9 py-6 bg-white gap-2">
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3<path d="M52.4167 13.8893C52.4167 39.6691 48.6951 52.2367 26.6338 58.5359C26.4951 58.576 26.3532 58.5976 26.2113 58.5976C26.0695 58.5976 25.9278 58.576 25.789 58.5359C3.72471 52.2305 0 39.7921 0 14.2868C0 13.5961 0.459459 12.9919 1.12238 12.8038C12.9716 9.45841 21.9965 3.5881 25.1723 0.455436C25.4653 0.168686 25.8784 -0.0534469 26.2669 0.0113031C26.6739 0.0143864 27.0654 0.180658 27.3522 0.470491C30.2227 3.38116 42.3404 9.41208 51.3622 12.4214C51.9912 12.6373 52.4167 13.2264 52.4167 13.8893Z" fill="black"/>
5<h1 class="text-2xl font-bold text-black leading-8">Job Security</h1>
6<p class="text-sm font-normal text-gray-600 text-center ">
7the quick fox jumps over the lazy dog </h1>
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5<h1 class="text-2xl font-bold text-blue-600 leading-8">Job Security</h1>
6<p class="text-sm font-normal text-gray-600 text-center ">
7the quick fox jumps over the lazy dog </h1>
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3<path d="M52.4167 13.8893C52.4167 39.6691 48.6951 52.2367 26.6338 58.5359C26.4951 58.576 26.3532 58.5976 26.2113 58.5976C26.0695 58.5976 25.9278 58.576 25.789 58.5359C3.72471 52.2305 0 39.7921 0 14.2868C0 13.5961 0.459459 12.9919 1.12238 12.8038C12.9716 9.45841 21.9965 3.5881 25.1723 0.455436C25.4653 0.168686 25.8784 -0.0534469 26.2669 0.0113031C26.6739 0.0143864 27.0654 0.180658 27.3522 0.470491C30.2227 3.38116 42.3404 9.41208 51.3622 12.4214C51.9912 12.6373 52.4167 13.2264 52.4167 13.8893Z" fill="white"/>
5<h1 class="text-2xl font-bold text-white leading-8">Job Security</h1>
6<p class="text-sm font-normal text-gray-400 text-center ">
7the quick fox jumps over the lazy dog </h1>
Ideation Card
New UI Ideas
Slate helps you see how many more days you need to work to reach. Slate helps you see how many more days.
New UI Ideas
Slate helps you see how many more days you need to work to reach. Slate helps you see how many more days.
New UI Ideas
Slate helps you see how many more days you need to work to reach. Slate helps you see how many more days.
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7 <p class="ml-5 mt-1 text-2xl font-semibold leading-8 text-black">New UI Ideas</p>
9<p class="mb-5 ml-4 mt-2 h-12 w-72 font-normal leading-5 text-gray-600">Slate helps you see how many more days you need to work to reach. Slate helps you see how many more days.</p>
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7 <p class="ml-5 mt-1 text-2xl font-semibold leading-8 text-blue-600">New UI Ideas</p>
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7 <p class="ml-5 mt-1 text-2xl font-semibold leading-8 text-white">New UI Ideas</p>
9<p class="mb-5 ml-4 mt-2 h-12 w-72 font-normal leading-5 text-white">Slate helps you see how many more days you need to work to reach. Slate helps you see how many more days.</p>